'Aconcagua's viewpoint'

C° Penitentes (4351mts)

'Aconcagua's viewpoint'

C° Penitentes (4351mts)

Penitentes (4351mts) Penitentes (4351mts) 'Aconcagua's viewpoint'

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Your travel starts now...

Its large walls and towers resemble a cathedral, while smaller rock and sandstone formations resemble monks, who in a "penitent" attmountain has the particular characteristic of being an excellent viewpoint for Aconcagua, the rest of the Main Cordillera of Argentina and part of the Chilean Cordillera. Near the summit preserves priceless treasures, among them small Inca pircados.

Addressed to:

These climbs are ideal for people in good physical condition who wish to experience a demanding mountain climb without technical difficulty.

Detalles Detalles

Next Date: March 22 to 24 | Others, to be agreed for groups.

Meeting point: Mendoza Capital, "ACA" in front of the bus station, day 1, 9hs.

Ending point: Mendoza Capital, "ACA" in front of the bus station, day 3, 18hs.

Difficulty: Moderate / High.

Distance / Elevation: 23kms / 1800mts accumulated.

Requirements: Medically qualified with stress ergometry | Good physical condition.

Min group / Ratio: 3 PAX / 1 Guide| 7 PAX.

Included: Professional Mountain Guide (EPGAMT), Transfer, Use of high mountain tents, All meals, AP and RC insurance, First aid kit - Satellite communication, VHF (emergencies), Small groups.

Not included: Individual equipment, Breakfast on Day 1, Drinks, Expenses for: Rescue and/or Evacuation or Abandonment of the Activity, Transport to the Meeting Point.
