Professional Guides | Expedition Photography | Technical Training Workshops
APRIL 18 - 20

Adolfo Calle + Stepanek

Promo price until Mar, 15
About us... About us...
About us


Silvina Miana is a Trekking Guide with an orientation in Mountain Activities, she has EPGAMT and WFR (Wilderness First Responder) certification.
Since 2008 she has been carrying out Trekking and Rock Climbing activities and since 2019 to date she has developed her activity exclusively as a Professional Guide.
In addition, she has completed her studies as a Bachelor of Computer Science at FaMAF, UNC and a Degree in Photography, UPC.
Her extensive experience in the mountains includes technical ascents and high-altitude expeditions in Bolivia, Peru and Chile.
Her professional ethics acquired in other disciplines is reflected in the professionalism with which she develops her work as a guide when transmitting knowledge and experiences.

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